Artisan Papers
Renato Crepaldi
This Sao Paulo, Brazil artist has been producing elegant marbled papers in his home studio since 2002. The marble designs are based on historical patterns and ancient techniques reminiscent of the 18th and 19th century. Nature is the inspiration for the palette of colors, and earth and iron oxide-based pigments are ever present in his papers, along with metallic gold, copper, and bronze. A specialty of Renato is the technique of marbling over dark colored papers, especially black, where a distinctive manipulation of the marbling size and color is required to ensure the vibrancy of the colors in the final product.
Handmade/marbled Italian paper
Handmade/handmarbled paper from Italy created by 2nd generation marbling artists. The acid-free paper features one-of-a-kind array of vibrant colors and patterns. These marble papers are crafted using materials and techniques dating back to the 8th century.
Iris Nevin
Iris Nevin has dedicated over four decades of her life (since 1978) to marbling. Her specialty is the reproduction of early marbled papers, particularly the ones from about 1800 – 1860. She onsiders this period to be the high point in the long history of marbling, just prior to the use of marbling machines during the Victorian era. To achieve these designs and colors, she makes her own marbling colors using, where possible, the same pigments used during the period.